• 04 august 2014

    Brand new block explorer for FCN.

    Hey folks!

    imready2rock created new block explorer for FCN - http://chainradar.com It's really awesome made blockchain - definitely worth checking out.

  • 04 july 2014

    Happy Birthday Bytecoin (BCN)!

    Hey folks!

    On this great day I would like to take a moment and congratulate Bytecoin with it's Birthday from the FCN community!
    2 years is a big date! Thank you for showing all of us how CryptoNote tech is working and where we should be headed!
    We're looking forward towards continuous work with you!
    Happy Birthday!

  • 06 june 2014

    First merged mining pool.

    Hey folks!

    Good news arrived from Minergate
    We've got ourselves first merged mining pool. All you have to do to start mining on it is download Minergate app
    or open-source miner by Wolf - cpuminer-multi
    Use this URL's in cpuminer-multi
    FCN+BCN: fcn-bcn.pool.minergate.com:5558
    FCN+MRO: fcn-mro.pool.minergate.com:5559
    FCN+QCN: fcn-qcn.pool.minergate.com:5560
    FCN+duck: fcn-duck.pool.minergate.com:5563

  • 27 may 2014

    Newest binaries version uploaded.

    Uploaded newest binaries to the website with further hash function improvements. Please update your daemons and wallets.

  • 23 may 2014

    Faster mining and win-32!

    Allows mining 2 faster than previously! Also win-32 version is available! Allows mining 2 faster than previously! Also win-32 version is available!

  • 06 may 2014

    Hurray, we'launced!

    Bitcointalk announcement